Saturday, July 17, 2010

small boxes

small boxes

small boxes hold big treasures

a carved wooden apple opens and inside, a tiny tea set for a little girl’s imagination and delight

diminutive disneykin characters collected from toothpaste tubes

the magical world of polly pocket hidden within a plastic compact

a fake crystal container holds an imitation sapphire and diamond necklace, chosen by a four year old boy for his mom on her birthday

a converted chicken coop home for newlyweds

a three minute stand-up routine conveys all the love of a young woman for her contrary grandpa

a heart shaped pebble

a cozy bedtime story

fairy-winged maple seeds

a twenty minute slideshow of a sixty year marriage

one bedroom for five people, mom dad brother sister and baby

a kiss hello, a kiss good-bye

life changing events condensed into a rectangular newspaper column

a tiny newborn’s fist raised, foretells the future

a short song written from the heart

a simple wooden box holds the memories hopes pain laughter ashes of someone that was loved

brief moments, loving gestures, big treasures, small boxes

©Conni Cartlidge, 2010

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